Sensible Solutions

We provide you with practical solutions to dramatically increase your bottom line.

Our Client Strategy

We help our clients avoid the frustrations of missing out on the results that they know are possible. 

Applied Best Practices for Superior Results


Our President, Paul Smith, was proud to deliver the Closing Keynote speech at the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of Canada's 2015 Leadership Summit.  The topic was "The Art of Knowledge Management", a critically important topic for every leader of a Professional Service firm that is eager to improve their firm's profitability while safeguarding their most valuable off-balance sheet asset - the collective experience and expertise of their people.

"I can enthusiastically endorse Paul Smith’s ACEC closing keynote topic as being relevant and important for any leader of a professional service firm, especially those in Canada’s consulting engineering industry."

John D. Gamble, CET, P.Eng.
President and CEO, Association of Consulting Engineering Companies | Canada

Harnessing your Energy

Beyond The Box

We strongly believe in delivering practical solutions to help your ideas come to life.

Engaging Minds 

Forward Thinking

We know how to implement the Best Practices to help you Pull Ahead of the Competition.